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Game Development Consulting

Software Development Consulting for new and growing Game Developers.

Hey All, I’m Joe and this is First Level Wizard. I’m a product manager with a penchant for doing software development right. I want to take what I’ve learned from years working on enterprise software projects, and apply it towards assisting video game developers get their ideas out there.

I’m not a series of videos on YouTube. I’m not a development tutorial following a list of instructions. I’m not advice found in a comment thread. I’m a consultant who wants to ensure that you achieve their goals.

My goal is to give you the following

Development that Works For You

To tailor information and solutions so that they match your specific situation

Empowerment and Refinement

To help you see what makes your ideas special, and how to make those unique aspects shine

Follow Through

To let you achieve a consistent, low-stress, and predictable development

I can provide professional guidance and a strategy for your game at any stage of development, from right before a crowd funding campaign or publisher pitch, all the way back to the very first lines of code you write.

Advice is never one size fits all. I can’t tell you how often the common wisdom you might find online is just flat out wrong about the special circumstances that each software product faces in it’s development. As a consultant I want to ensure that not only do you get advice, but that you get the advice that’s right for you and your circumstances.

Why First Level Wizard?

I understand that it’s hard to get off the ground. Between marketing, funding, art, programming, and everything else that goes into a game, it can all be a little overwhelming.

First Level Wizard is about taking those fears and addressing them, one by one, to equip you to succeed. I don’t just tell you what to do, I work with you to create habits, exchange knowledge, and create a development plan that is sustainable and effective.

Depending on your needs, we’ll work together to focus on the most important things. I offer everything from quick reviews of ad copy, to ongoing work to manage your development schedule. Give me a shout out and we can discuss exactly what you need to succeed.

I’m a critical eye, a stalwart believer in your vision, and a well of resources and knowledge to draw from. If this sounds like something your game needs, learn more below, or book a free introductory call now, to go over your game, my consulting, and more.