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Welcome to First Level Wizard

Who I Am

Hello! I’m Joe, and this is First Level Wizard. This site was made to provide services, share content, and assist game developers. I’m a product manager and business consultant who’s taking 6 years of enterprise software experience and using to help new and upcoming developers, companies, and game makers achieve their goals. I like making things, and I like to help people make things.

I am an educator, a multi-talented enthusiast, and a skilled technical expert. I’ve worn many hats, from working QA, all the way up to Product Management on a fully featured international enterprise event data capture platform. I know what goes into a successful software product, because I’ve been at nearly every step, from developer to manager.

What I Do Professionally

I work in technology every day. Having seen the many sides to software development, and what good software can do for the world, I believe we should always find technology empowering. More than ever before, it has created opportunities for clever ideas, innovative concepts, and moving stories to be shared with the world. All we need now is to spread around the knowledge that makes their creation possible.

This is why I focus on the development of games. I offer a wide variety of consulting services to game developers big and small, beginner and experienced. Everything from pitching to publishers, to managing development teams. To learn more about what I do, and what I can do for you, click right below.

What I Do for Fun

Just like you might, I do Game Development on a variety of hobbyist projects, learn new skills, and, of course, play games. I’m always looking for ways to broaden my technical experience, and, of course, how to bring those lessons back to those I consult for.

You should also visit the blog where I play around making games, share my thoughts on development, and talk about the creative process.